401k Plan

OWA has partnered with Marsh McLennan Agency (MMA) and 401GO in bringing our members access to enhanced retirement plan options designed to help reduce costs, improve administrative ease, and enhance your employee's financial literacy. With options for members who have a plan to those who are considering one, the OWA Retirement Plan Syndicate has a solution to fit your needs.
Benefits of the OWA Retirement Plan Syndicate
- 3(16) Administrative & 3(38) Investment Fiduciary Outsourcing
- Ease of Set Up and Ongoing Administration
- Plan Design Flexibility
- Reduced Pricing for OWA Members
- Employee Education & Engagement Programs
For more information on the program and a no-cost analysis of your current program, contact:
Ryan Roe, ChFC®, CRPS®, CPFA®
Ph: 314.594.2486
Email: ryan.roe@marshmma.com
Securities and investment advisory services offered through MMA Securities LLC (MMA Securities), member FINRA / SIPC, and a federally registered investment advisor. Main Office: 1166 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036. Phone: (212) 345-5000. Variable insurance products distributed by MMA Securities LLC, CA OK 81142. Marsh & McLennan Insurance Agency LLC and MMA Securities LLC are affiliates owned by Marsh & McLennan Companies. Investment advisory services for MMA Prosper WiseSM are offered solely as a Registered Investment Adviser through MMA Securities. Certain of our investment adviser representatives are registered representatives of MMA Securities. A copy of our written disclosure statement discussing our advisory services and fees is available for your review upon request. Please consult a tax professional for specific tax inquiries and recommendations. MarshMMA.com